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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

CHAPTER FIVE (phobos and demios)

Fear and panic ,these two emotions  were all peter could feel. This emotions ,have been driving him towards breaking point ever since she mentioned both words.
Facing your fears is the only key out ,he recounted her saying this words.
Staring at her for what seemed like seconds ,lost in thought's he heard her say to him
if what I see in those eyes of yours stem out of pity, I don't have a bit tolerance for that's. Blinking rapidly he looked the other way.
Standing up from where she sat ,staring at him briefly she said, 'we have to hurry there is a lot I have to show you and help you understand because I have a feeling that your trials and test are about to start anytime soon and for you to survive you must understand this things. 
"The universe conspires to reveal the truth and to make your path easy if you have the courage to heed the signs".
Taking his hands quickly she led him to a plain overlooking what seemed like a large ravine, staring down he noticed a few people moving about in no orderly fashion but aimlessly and speaking to themselves in such fashion that seemed like they had gone crazy. "you see those souls "she asked, desperately?, he nodded ,they are host forever and can never leave this place. They are the source of life that gives existence to this realm, without them this place seizes to exist and that is the reason the guardians and this realm try all it can to keep them permanent here and try to prevent any one of them from getting out.
The more souls the more this realm becomes a reality, a conscious reality at that like the two other realms "heaven and hell" , the reverse occurs when a soul is lost the realm suddenly becomes less a reality. 
"What are they saying to themselves"?Peter asked.
"I don't know "she answered ,"I do know it filled with regrets and from all they where unable to achieve ,failures and that the reason they remain here for ever". No positive thought survives in this place for a reason I do not know other than this realm reeks of sorrow.
You must also try hard to remember a positive thought unless you end up like them.
Shivering with fear ,Peter asked "how do I do that?". I teach you she said but at first I tell you a bit about the guardians of this realm and then we can discuss how to counter them.
"Phobos and Deimos ". This two gods  or personified spirits of fear, panic and terror are the guardians of this realm. Deimos represents terror while his brother Phobos represents panic and flight. They are the sons of the supposed war god ares who am sure you must have heard about in books and movies. 
Phobos and Deimos assume the physical representations of your fear must of the time, I have had slot of challenge avoiding them here, it took a moment to feel out who they where and still escape, I have a lot of fascination for myths when I was still living because there is a saying that goes like this,
"in every bit of myth there in lies a truth".
So it seemed easy for me to find out who they where ,exploit there weakness and sail free.
Phobos and Deimos take the look of a happy man body and a lower body of a goat.
Phobos feeds on fear and Deimos feeds on panic and they assuming this look of a Satyr to allow this emotions to grow in their beholder, a fear of the unknown. You should never look them in the eye and you must always have a feeling of love or a good memory because love triumphs over them ,that is your only chance to defeat the guardians of this realm.
You will meet this judges and your faith will be in your hands.
Now it time to train you, we have no time anymore. 
"Close your eyes "she said eagerly, closing his eyes he devoid himself of all thoughts.
Try to imagine or think about something positive something strong and old that erases all fear and doubt.
Peter grey stood there with his eyes close struggling to hold on to any happy thought from his childhood, teenage till his present adulthood but it seemed futile. Thoughts were moving at random speed ,he was unable to hold on to a single thought. The realm had distorted his thoughts, he had forgotten a lot about so many important things like the name of his girlfriend, his mother's name, where he resident or even what he had been doing on the day of his death, and now she was asking him to go to his distant past. A certain name popped in his head," Chisom and chinenye " he couldn't place does names to any resent times but he knew that it was very distant and a powerful thought at that.
"What are you thinking about" he heard Martha, say.
"Nothing at all" he spoke. I just can't remember anything.
Looking at him with disappointment in her face she said "well we still have some moment before your sentencing and trials will begin so try hard".
She slowly walked of engrossed in her own thoughts.
Peter stood there thinking to himself.he had no where to run to and those two names chisom and chinenye still resonated in his head. He had to hold unto them and try to remember, if he really had any plan to leave this place. 

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