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Thursday, April 9, 2020


I have been learning a few things over these days, guys . I have someone dear to my heart and we have been having discussions of what defines love.
You must have come across words like " i felt a strong  pain go through my heart" " it was like i was stabbed by a dagger" "my heart skipped a beat". Now i know you would say that all this pain and sadness is associated with when say "you lost a loved one " , "your loved one fell ill" or you just broke up but recently i have come to the understanding that the pain not only comes in loss but also in gain or better still  joy.

Love about statements and we make the strongest statements when we are sad or in pain. This is certainly only a perspective
You are with an individual either a boy or a girl and you have madly fallen in love , you let your self open up to them . You suddenly begin to make decisions that would affect your lives , this decesions may come easy or not but they will come with pain because sometimes they won't be accepted , understood or better still you might have a problem taking that step. The pain you feel isn't to last forever but for that moment and while in that moment you felt pain in taking that decesion but the pain therefore triggers a reasoning,  a reasoning you would identify as love ,love which makes you see your irrational decisions as rational
Tales ,poems ,odes have been filled with words explaining love. I am afraid to break you heart because  i fear  the pain it may cause me and you likewise . You therefore try and work to not break the heart because the pain you are afraid of triggered the feeling of love . The emotion that would therefore overwhelm you.

Love is the biggest verb but i see it more as a good adverb one that has a trigger.
The pain and sorrow of not having who you desire , the pain of letting them go , of hurting yourself , of making mistakes.
Pain has influenced our appreciation of love .  It has been a trigger for love.

Another example is the birth process. Women are jewels that deserve the crown of the earth. They are like gem stones. They carry a child for months ,they may identify or not identify with the pain but the mind registers it but the ideal of going through that pain and birthing a new life brings joy !,joy! , joy! and which in turn reflects in the love a mother has for her child.

Once again it is just a thought i heard in my head.

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