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Friday, September 20, 2019

It all came to an end in the twinkle of an eye - Short Story

Can you really forget the friendship ,  the relationship  and you throw away 6 months of that part of your life away? 
all that time was it all just a lie ? 
Was there really truth in all this ? ....this were the questions he asked himself,  rumours flying all over about how much of a fool he was . He was desperate to prove them wrong. 

DEAR joro

I sat on my phone and saw those 3 beautiful words said to me not knowing that those words would be the last beautiful words I would hear from her .
Rewind to the past 3 months , it been up and down beautiful parts to it and not so beautiful parts to it , parts that would have thought a lesson and lessons that were hammered into my head .
At first I never knew why you agreed to be with me , I didnt have the financial choices you desired , I wasnt handsome , light skinned and someone you could see and smile all over . I was just a dark skinned boy who was in love and who had brains , brains that worked so he would walk up to the point you desired.

"A mental hold they say would prevent you from seeing the dark pictures set in front of you  or the bright picture in front of you" . Once you have a mental hold your only reaction to things would be one sided.  You wont put in your effort because it would not mean anything to you . The only way you can be different is if you tear down the mental wall in your mind .
A wall you put in there once you realised that things were not going your way .
You forgot an individual qualities that you both share and find to find out once you can identify this qualities when all other things fail to go your way you either be patient or you work on those qualities and develop it into what you desire .

A violent man may   lack the quality to show love ,he has only anger . You may be capable or you may not be capable of  working on him.

A honest man has love in him but lacks the quality to show it the way you desire. You  may be  capable or you may not be capable of working on him but you identified a quality in him "honesty" a quality you identify in your self .
You build on that quality and then you build on love .

I am not happy with you is not the end of the road to abandon everything .
Happiness does not stern from  a person it grows from set of qualities in a person.

The story that begun had just ended time to move on with my pen ,paper ,heart and mind .

I put down my pen and paper , I just wrote my heart in this letter . Tomorrow I would go down to the post office and mail out my future, happiness and all we had together to You.

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