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Monday, August 27, 2018

The fashion statement episode 1 : By Efe Fabulouz

I am a man or woman of confidence and high self esteem is what most people would feel about
themselves and most times its not really true. We mostly feel such confidence only when we do what
others have done and is accepted as NORMAL. When it comes to fashion, we mostly dont even bother to know what looks good on us but we stress on what made the other person shine forgetting we are not all structured the same. I might want to just dress lazy in baggy shorts and shirts just because its comfortable, then I look at the next person and see them swagger in with that cool blue jacket and tight pants so I begin to question my choices. I end up changing my accessory option because the thought of been cool outweighs comfortable. Or I see Nicki Minaj with a pink Hairdo, bold lipstick colour

and a hot pink dress and I just want to look like her. I forget Im not her. Fashion isnt you. You are
fashion. How you see yourself or how you want to express your thoughts can be said in what you carry
on you. You dont need to think confident then look like someone else to be cool. If that color seems too
bright on you or that hair do is just too dull for you, then make a choice thats you and rock it with all
the boldness possible.

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