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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Short Story - It All Begun Before Summer.

There a saying that once you leave the comfort of your home you get to meet different person from all works of life and so that what happened in my case when i left for school . Kypros First country across the atlantic i had visited apart from one time i was told that i had visited the land of the dutch  which i can not remember . Sorry for straying too far ,i have a thing for reminiscing , it is my thing.
i have had things with certain young ladies as i prefer to call them in the past but since coming to Kypros it has been me , myself and i actually with an occasional stint with someone from the black sea which was like i always say to any one who decides to ask off and on but it was also not a bad time . I made one of my best decisions  and experienced one of my scariest situations with the young lady but like it is said "What is life without it risks" , I just say thank you for those times.
Now there was someone a little closer to home actually closer to the southern part of africa , it was a 21 days stint you see, not the best and not anything to write about.

Now fast forward too 2019 april . Beautiful location , right words , hihi , laughter and a desire to impress in the least place you can imagine such could happen . Perfect Anti-Romantic setting . A Place where the main focus is making sure orders are rightly delivered you see.
First visit and then more to follow and as you can imagine the love circle grows but unfortunately the young lady had so much in her mind that she wanted a friend more than she desired a lover.
Patience is indeed a beautiful virtue to posses , makes you wait for your desire and now i sit with her across the tiled pool floor as our legs play in the water and right about how we transitioned from friends who slept on the same bed to lovers who made the same bed.

I hope you enjoy .

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