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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sex and Virginity part 2

     Growing up as an African girl child so much emphasis was put down on our virginity.... We were told by our mothers, aunts,friends of the family and basically any older person in the community that a girls pride is her virginity and we should keep it intact till marriage.... Up until I got into young adulthood  I always thought that the recipe for a good marriage was for the woman to be a virgin, good cook and fertile but growing up and seeing things has been an eye opener that you can be the greatest cook, give birth to a stadium of kids and be virgin up until marriage yet your married life would still be terrible....the dilemma here is that 'is virginity the pride of a woman or not?.... Leave religion and stupid outdated social norms aside...i believe the pride of a woman should be her character because at the end of it all that's all that matters

    Do you think you should be proud of you're a virgin and yet you are a materialistic person, Bitch about everything, look down at others, overly jealous and insecure, stingy with everything and just downright being a devil's reincarnate....absolutely no one will back up a nasty character and say 'oh, she's really petty and overly materialistic but at least she's a virgin'....
   Don't get me wrong in a generation of lot of sex driven people you should take immerse pride in the fact that you manged to still keep your virginity intact but it should not be the standpoint of being proud as a woman.... You should be proud as a woman because you wake up everyday and make the world a better place, you make people smile, encourage and inspire other girls and just overall be one more woman who will shake the world for good and your virginity should now be the very expensive and sought after icing on the cake because after all who doesn't love the total package.....

By Mehiwa Made                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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